Regenerative Farming & Ranching
Wholesome Food From Your Local Small Farm
Get to Know
Your Farm
Your Farm
At Sage Mountain Farm, we know that the food you put into your body on a daily basis makes all the difference in quality of life.

For that reason, our primary mission is to reconnect Southern Californians with their food source by offering truly local, organically-farmed food. More than ever, consumers are beginning to see the light with regard to food that is processed, food that is infused with preservatives because it has traveled across multiple time zones and borders, and food that is less nutritious and flavorful because it cannot be harvested at peak ripeness or readiness.
This new awareness is bringing us back into a relationship with our food, the animals, the plants, the land where these are grown and raised, the farmers, and importantly, with each other. At Sage Mountain Farm, we aim to connect you with food that is grown organically and as close to you as possible. Our food tastes like it came from your very own garden, because in a sense, it has—in our garden which is just down the road. So dig in, do your research, and get to know your farmers because there’s nothing we love more than feeding our Southern California neighbors the healthiest, most nutritious food possible.
Real Farm
Real Food
Real People
Our Partners
What Our Friends Are Saying
Visit Our Farm
Sage Mountain Farm has been conducting farm tours for many years. We have welcomed visitors to our farm in our continued effort to connect to our community, to be transparent about how we farm and, in general, build a relationship with you, the consumers of our products. Please click on the link below to schedule a visit.
What does local
really mean?
really mean?
What’s in
your food?
your food?
Grow Together
Grow Together