amy_watermelon (1)Sage Mountain Farm blog is back!

Hello, my name is Amy and I live the “new food revolution” lifestyle. I love to eat local organic, sustainable food that is nutritious, delicious and believe that food is medicine. I made the change two years ago when a family member was diagnosed with stage 4 bone cancer. Eliminating all processed foods, sugars, big meat and dairy for a consistent intake of raw, local organic fruits and vegetables via juicing, smoothies, and conscious preparation methods, in 6 months he was cancer free!  Since then, we haven’t looked back. 

I have a heart for natural medicine but am by no means, an expert. What has been a challenge for me is learning how to cook. I eat a lot of seasonal raw food and when I do cook, I’m very careful to preserve the nutrients. My goal is always to bring about the most delicious meal a garbage disposal eater has ever tasted. If you’re like me, maybe we can learn together. If not and you are a master of the kitchen, please feel free to share your recipe ideas, using Sage Mountain Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) produce and watch me try to bring it to life in our blog! 

I look forward to opening Sage Mountain Farm’s CSA box because it’s a hand picked variety of fresh from the field produce at the peak of it’s nutritional value. Sage Mountain Farm sets the standard by which I believe all food should be produced and distributed. I know this first hand from working on the farm last summer.   

My passion for wellness and overcoming disease with food as medicine will be at the heart of every recipe. However, I do believe in the 80-20 ratio; that if you consume 80% healthy it leaves room for 20% given over to decadent delights! But nutritious, when done right, tastes amazing!  

Together, let’s get healthy!

Amy Procop

…like a nosy neighbor!

Hello!  My name is Amber and I am your CSA blogger.  I want to share with you ideas for how I use the produce in my box every week.  I think a lot of people begin a CSA subscription with good intentions to eat locally grown organic (delicious and nutritious) food or to support their local farmer, but then the reality of eating from and cooking from a CSA box can set in.  Many people are daunted by the amount of greens, or “weird” foods they’ve never seen before, or maybe you are willing but need more information on how to enjoy what Nature has provided for you this week.  Never fear!  I am here to give you tips and recipes, together we can eat our greens and have a great time doing it!

Disclaimer:  I am not a trained chef.  I am not a trained dietitian or nutritionist.  I am a mom of five and I love veggies!  If you try one of my recipes and don’t like it, try another one…it might be better.  I am here for you like a nosy neighbor.  I will share my opinion with you and you can take it or leave it.

Let me know what kind of stuff you need to know.  Leave comments on the blog or you can follow the blog on Instagram as well @sagemountainfarm, we are also available on the web, Facebook and Twitter!  Let’s have a conversation!

FamilyEaster2015 (2) Hi, My name is Lauren!  I am a wife and stay-at-home mom of 2 currently located in Temecula, CA.  I have been working with Sage Mountain Farm for about 2 years now, mostly helping keep the website, facebook and twitter updated.

We have always had a passion for cooking delicious and healthy things, and growing our own veggies in our home-garden every year. This passion has only grown since meeting Phil and becoming a CSA member with Sage Mountain Farm!