Today we will be using a recipe from the YouTube show, The Chef and The Dietician. They call it Pineapple Unfried Rice. Ya’ know, fried rice…only not fried. No oil and veggie-packed folks, [...]
Beets + Carrots = No more boring salads! This week I decided to pair up these root veggies for some color on my salads. Shredded carrots are a pretty standard topping for a green salad, but add [...]
The important thing to note about this chef-inspired soup is that it can be used as a template for any greens that you have on hand. Broccoli…check! Kale…check! Double the spinach and no beet [...]
It’s smoothie time! I do like me some kale and lettuce, but when I saw the spinach in my CSA box, I immediately thought of smoothies! The weather is warming up and so I like to change up my [...]
Hello! You know, the first week we got the green garlic in our boxes I just chucked it in the crisper and went about the business of unloading the rest of the box. Then later in the week, when [...]