Organic Ettinger Avocados Written by Christina P. Kantzavelos Persea Americana aka Avocados are just about every Californian’s favorite superfood. Their creamy, rich texture and mild flavor [...]
Farm Fresh Spinach Did you know that spinach really is strong to the finish in the fight against disease? The mounting evidence in study after study, acknowledges that Popeye had it right all [...]
Hello everyone! Thank you to those of you who submitted recipes, photos and ideas for using the delicious food that we grow here at Sage Mountain Farm. I will be posting some of them here so [...]
Here’s a quick storage tip for all you radish lovers out there! Wash and trim the radishes as soon as possible. Then slice ’em up how you like them. I prefer [...]
Hello! You know, the first week we got the green garlic in our boxes I just chucked it in the crisper and went about the business of unloading the rest of the box. Then later in the week, when [...]
A long time ago I bought some fresh ginger at the store to make a ginger tea. Boiling water poured over a few small slices of fresh ginger, let steep, voila! Ginger Tea! Then I had a knobby [...]