Strawberry Update 

 In Beyond the Veg


A lot of people have been asking about our wonderful strawberries…
Over the years, we’ve been known to grow some of the finest strawberries in the valley!!!
Our crop is coming in later this year for two reasons. First, our new farm property is at 4,000ft elevation, our crops come in later than our previous farm property at 2,000ft elevation. Second reason is our strawberry plants became confused this year and produced runners “new plants” instead of fruit. We believe this was due to the weather fluctuation of extreme cycles of cold then heat then cold and then heat……
  The unusual weather pattern most likely confused the plants into producing runners instead of fruit. Cutting the runners has tripled the cost of overall labor for the strawberry crop.
As of right now it looks like 10% of normal production is starting to produce fruit “YAAY” and hoping for a full recovery!!

(This update was written by Yadira Meza from Sage Mountain Farm. If you’ve ever called the farm, you’ve probably talked to her.  She’s very knowledgeable and really friendly!)

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