When spring time citrus arrives, there are all sorts of ways to enjoy it. This mixed citrus curd is a must make. Top it on pancakes or a dutch baby for a deliciously tart yet sweet breakfast or [...]
Pickled Carrots and Daikon Recipe Spring crops are as colorful as they are flavorful. Each new harvest brings fruits and vegetables ready to be transformed into a delicious dish. Plus, cooking [...]
Braised Lamb Shank with Mini Chimichurri By Frances Kellar, Cooking with Our CSA The mint in our CSA box has been vibrant and oh-so-fragrant. It makes for the perfect chimichurri sauce to serve [...]
Dinner Toast with Garlicky Greens By Frances Kellar, Cooking with Our CSA Don’t be intimidated by the amount of greens (or the amount of garlic) in this dish. It packs the greens full of flavor [...]
Broccoli Pesto with Penne By Frances Kellar, Cooking with Our CSA Rich in vitamin C, K, iron and potassium, this cruciferous veggie is fiber rich making this pesto especially nutrient dense, but [...]
Cooking Seasonally (aka with what you already have!) Written by Christina P. Kantzavelos All food has a time, and a season, and as a local, and organically grown farm, we grow and sell what’s in [...]
Organic Ettinger Avocados Written by Christina P. Kantzavelos Persea Americana aka Avocados are just about every Californian’s favorite superfood. Their creamy, rich texture and mild flavor [...]
Kabocha Squash Written by Christina P. Kantzavelos Kabocha squash is the new pumpkin alternative. Actually, it’s known as Japanese pumpkin. You may have already tried it dipped in tempura batter [...]
On a chilly day like today, a cup of warn Bone Broth goes down smooth! It’s great cold on warm, summer days too! Bone Broth is not only tasty, it’s excellent for your health! It eases [...]
I’m going to tell it to you straight, I’ve been a vegetarian the past few years but when my blood results came back to tell me that I was alert level low iron deficient, that quickly [...]