Red Lentil + Chickpea Tartinade
Inspired by the produce in her CSA, Bon creates seasonal recipes using only two things: what she has & the flavor inspiration it brings. Bon creates culinary delights like most chefs do, at least the ones I know personally, who buy produce from our farm. It’s an artform that I’d like to learn how to incorporate into my own kitchen habits, but the gap between me and culinary school is a jump far too wide! Yet a bridge I find, in Bon’s photos and unmeasured ingredient guide.
The flavor & taste texture profiles that this recipe brings together are inspiring and visually, her photo simplistically narrates motivation in the tangible, giving me everything I need to give this creative venture a try! Bon brings genuine artistry to food with purpose! Helping me to break free of kitchen anxiety and pressure, & enjoy the exploration of food with lighthearted wonder.
Farm Fresh Vegetable CSA’s offer us something beyond what a recipe can measure! It’s found in the limitless possibilities we discover when we remember why we cook in the first place.
Cooking seasonally with freshly harvested ingredients holds the key to nourishing our bodies with abundant nutrients and satisfying our taste buds with the wealth of flavor they provide!
If “Health is Wealth”, here’s to a rich life!
Enjoy this recipe using the local ingredients we freshly harvested for your CSA at our small farm this week! Let us know how you like it and if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, message us on Social Media. If you make this recipe, be sure to Tag @le_bon_chaudron & @SageMountainFarm 🙂
R e d Le n t i l + C h i c k p e a T a r t i n a d e
R e d Le n t i l + C h i c k p e a T a r t i n a d e
by Bon @le_bon_chaudron
CSA Member on Instagram
(Cooked) red lentils and chickpeas, blend with:
• red pepper
• lemon juice
• cumin + crushed chili
Topped with:
• radishes
• cucumber
• carrots
• white/red onion
• tomatillos
• mint
• red + yellow pepper
Drizzle olive oil, paprika + minced roasted garlic.
With produce from @sagemountainfarm 🌱