Farm Fresh Veggie Bake
Using the seasonal local farm fresh organic veggies that came in my CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm share box this week, I decided to chop them up, throw them in the oven and make a veggie bake! …and even sneaked in a nutritious, weight loss secret while baking!
Farm Fresh Veggie Bake Recipe
Using locally grown organic eggplant, different varieties of squash, orange and red bell peppers, onion, and cherry tomatoes, I cut them up and added them to a baking pan. If you follow our BLOG, you know that the farms seasonal best is always the first on our list of “Ingredients”, followed by a good, healthy oil rich in omega fatty acids and a super-food grain loaded with essential minerals & fiber.
-Locally Grown Organic Eggplant
-Different varieties of Squash
-Orange & Red Bell Peppers
-Farm Fresh, Organic Onion
-Vine Ripened Cherry Tomatoes
-Chilli Peppers (if you like it hot!)
-Organic Raw Grass-Fed Butter or Coconut Oil
-Italian Seasoned Spaghetti Sauce
-Organic Wild Rice & Organic Red Quinoa
1. Cut up Veggies & Pre-Heat oven to 350*
Weight Loss Secret: With the extra organic squash & bell peppers that won’t fit in the pan, throw them together in a blender or NutriBullet, with a handful of local, farm fresh organic strawberries & watermelon (with extra juice!). Blend together for a nice refreshing treat as you prepare dinner. It’s a great way to get live, nutritious food, with all their active enzymes, into your system! Living enzymes aid in digestion and are natures way of keeping off the pounds (aiding in weight loss) while helping our bodies absorb nutrients. Don’t forget to save the seeds! Saving our organic, heirloom seeds is a great way to build your seed bank, in case of emergency.
2. Add all your freshly cut veggies to the pan
3. Top with a few cuts of raw organic grass fed butter, or use a good sprinkle of coconut oil.
Get creative & mix it up!
For a boost of flavor, add a few spoonfuls of organic tomato sauce.
4. Cover and bake at 350 for about 30 mins.
5. While it’s baking, get a pot of Wild Rice and Red Quinoa cooking.
6. When done, remove from the oven and let cool.
7. Plate with a mix of Wild rice & Red Quinoa.
Give thanks…. and enjoy!
Stuffed Patty Pan Squash Sandwiches
If you’re feeling creative, mix together your finished ingredients and make Patty Pan Squash Sandwiches! Simply cut the patty pan squash in half while cutting up your other veggies and scoop out their centers. Place them on their own pan, next to your other veggie mix and bake together for 30 mins. Mix and add the rice & veggie mixture when done! For extra flavor, make an herb infused oil, seasoned with your favorite farm fresh herbs and top before putting in the oven. You can even add bacon bits too! Delicious and fun!
Thanks for visiting the Sage Mountain Farm BLOG & for supporting local small organic farms!
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Together, let’s get healthy!
Many blessings to you and yours!