Healthy soil, healthy food, healthy you!
The smell of fresh soil is in the air!
We are tilling the soil today, where last seasons root vegetable crops were planted! With the importation of organic inputs such as manures, composts, and recycling of on-farm organic matter, we condition the soil with healthy, organic plant nutrients that feed the plants, which in turn feed you!
Soil conditioning warms the earth, and prepares the ground (or womb) for the creation of jubilant new life! To grow from seed into ripe, mature nutrient-dense harvest, a good farmer (and gardener) knows that soil health is wealth!
The percentage of organic matter is very important to soil quality & essential for tasty, flavorful food! Yes! Organic matter in soil not only promotes the soils biological activity, which affects its water & nutrient holding capacity and tilth, which is important for healthy root growth, but providing an optimal supply of all the nutrients plants require is the best way to ensure good flavor.
Surfer is especially important, as it forms organic compounds within the plant that ultimately contribute to the flavor of the crops produced. Structural sub-components that make up healthy soil consist of amino acids, proteins and micronutrients are essential to the production of chlorophyll. Magnesium sulfate, for instance, is a chemical compound containing magnesium, sulfur and oxygen.
This is just one element of healthy soil, which means healthy food, and a healthy you! Knowing where your food comes from and the love & care your local farmer puts into it, is vital! If you care about nutritious food being available, grown and harvested when ripe, you will not only make a difference in your own quality of life, supermarkets and conventional farmers will adapt to meet market demand. Every dollar you spend is a vote and over time determines how you value of life and death.
Good soil nutrients, well-designed crop rotations (including cover crops and perennial forages), and harvesting at peak ripeness are all things you should be look for when buying food.”
Reconnect with your food source!
In order to fully connect with your body’s needs, it’s important to connect with the food that nourishes & supports it! When we connect with the food we eat, it’s inevitable that we’ll eat more mindfully, more intuitively, & more healthfully for our bodies. Let’s talk about a few ways you can be more mindful about connecting with your food (from
1. Shop your local farmer’s market.
When you walk around at a Farmers Market, talk to the people who were apart of growing the food that you’ll be eating that week, & think about the process by which the food was grown. You’ll have a better appreciation for the food & its fresher, nutritious quality that makes it that much more tastier!
2. Sign up for a local veggie &/or meat share subscription.
Consider signing up for a local meat share program (like ours!) that delivers farm fresh products to your doorstep each month. This allows you to be a part of supporting local farmers who raise their meat ethically & safely for consumers, their workers, & the animals. By supporting local farmers & eating meat, you’ll have a greater connection to it, enjoy it more & eat more mindfully.
3. Take time to prepare your food & time eating.
The first thing that usually goes when most of our busy is taking time to prepare a meal. Try finding the time to prepare a meal & take the time to make it an enjoyable experience. Consider finding a recipe that sounds challenging but doable, pour a glass of wine, put your apron on, & enjoy the process. Smell what you’re making, stir the flavors together, & wait in anticipation for the meal to be done. This can make the meal you prepare that much more special, & helps you appreciate what you’ll be tasting.
Along those same lines, taking time to eat your food can take you from a place of mind-less eating to mind-full eating. Spend time at the table before you even start eating to pause even just for a few seconds, take a few breaths, & prepare your body & mind for the food you’re about to experience. Pausing before eating, followed by slower eating helps you taste your food better, enjoy it, and recognize when you’re truly full and satisfied.
By taking the time to shift your mindset, it can make all the difference in how you relate to both your food & body.

This farm is a labor of love and we couldn’t do it without our community & wonderful customers! Please tell your friends about us. Referrals are the best compliments & we appreciate them more than we could ever convey!
Let’s make small farms in our region stronger and profitable! or Sage Mountain Beef CSA to learn more about our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program & sign up for our farm share program to have our farm fresh fruits & vegetables and farm fresh meats delivered to a pick up location near you! Home delivery available in some areas.
Check out our Recipe BLOG at
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Together, let’s get healthy!
Many blessings to you and yours!